• Starting at age 50, both men and women should follow one of these testing plans:
  • Tests that find polyps and cancer
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years*, or Colonoscopy every 10 years, or
  • Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years*, or CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years*
  • Tests that mostly find cancer
  • Yearly guaiac-based fecal occult blood test (gFOBT)**, or Yearly fecal immunochemical test (FIT)**, or
  • Stool DNA test (sDNA) every 3 years* ; * If the test is positive, a colonoscopy should be done.
  • The tests that can find both early cancer and polyps should be your first choice if these tests are available and you’re willing to have one of them. Talk to with our team of Oncologists about which test is best for you.
  • If you are at high risk of colon cancer based on family history or other factors, you may need to be screened using a different schedule.
  • Talk with our team of Oncologists about your history and the testing plan that’s best for you.